Senin, 19 November 2012

Model Pembelajaran

Buat teman-teman yang ingin mencari macam-macam model pembelajaran, bisa men-download beberapa pilihan materi dengan mengklik materi yang kalian inginkan di bawah ini :
Silahkan!! Semoga bermanfaat ..
  1. CL (Cooperative Learning)
  2. CTL (Contextual Teacing and Learning)
  3. RME (Realistic Mathematics Education)
  4. DL (Direct Learning)
  5. PBL (Problem Based Learning)
  6. Problem Solving
  7. Problem Posing
  8. OE (Open Ended)- Problem Terbuka
  9. Probing-Prompting
  10. Pembelajaran Bersiklus (Cycle Learning)
  11. Reciprocal Learning
  12. SAVI (Somatic-Auditory-Visualization-Intellectualy)
  13. TGT (Teams Game Tournament)
  14. VAK (Visualization, Auditing, Kinstetic)
  15. AIR (Auditory, Intellectuality, Repetition)
  16. TAI (Team Assisted Individuality)
  17. STAD (Student Team Achievement Division)
  18. NHT (Numbered Head Together)
  19. Jigsaw
  20. TPS (Think Pair Share)
  21. GI (Group Investigation)
  22. MEA (Mean ands Analysis)
  23. CPS (Creative Problem Solving)
  24. TTW (Thing Talk Write)
  25. TS-TS (Two Stay-Two Stray)
  26. CORE (Connection, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending)
  27. SQ3R (Survey, Question, Recite, Review)
  28. SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review)
  29. MID (Meaningful Instructional Design)
  30. KUASAI
  31. CRI (Certainly of Response Index)
  32. DLPS (Double Loop Problem Solving)
  33. DMR (Diskursus Multy Reprecentacy)
  34. CIRC (Cooperative, Integrated, Reading and Compositon)
  35. IOC (Inside Outside Circle)
  36. Tari Bambu
  37. Artikulasi
  38. Debate
  39. Role Playing
  40. Talking Stick
  41. Snowball Throwing
  42. Student Fasilitator ang Explaining
  43. Course Review Horay
  44. Demonstration
  45. Explicit Instruction
  46. Scramble
  47. Pair Checks
  48. Make-A-Match
  49. Mind Mapping
  50. Examples non Examples
  51. Picture and Picture
  52. Cooperative Script
  53. LAPS-Heuristik
  54. Improve
  55. Generatif
  56. Circuit Learning
  57. Complete Sentence
  58. Concept Sentence
  59. Time Token
  60. Take and Give
  61. Superitem
  62. Hibrid
  63. Treffinger
  64. Kumon
  65. Quantum

Sumber: http://weblogask.blogspot.com/2012/02/model-model-pembelajaran.html

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