Buat teman-teman yang ingin mencari macam-macam model pembelajaran, bisa men-download beberapa pilihan materi dengan mengklik materi yang kalian
inginkan di bawah ini :
Silahkan!! Semoga bermanfaat ..
- CL (Cooperative Learning)
- CTL (Contextual Teacing and Learning)
- RME (Realistic Mathematics Education)
- DL (Direct Learning)
- PBL (Problem Based Learning)
- Problem Solving
- Problem Posing
- OE (Open Ended)- Problem Terbuka
- Probing-Prompting
- Pembelajaran Bersiklus (Cycle Learning)
- Reciprocal Learning
- SAVI (Somatic-Auditory-Visualization-Intellectualy)
- TGT (Teams Game Tournament)
- VAK (Visualization, Auditing, Kinstetic)
- AIR (Auditory, Intellectuality, Repetition)
- TAI (Team Assisted Individuality)
- STAD (Student Team Achievement Division)
- NHT (Numbered Head Together)
- Jigsaw
- TPS (Think Pair Share)
- GI (Group Investigation)
- MEA (Mean ands Analysis)
- CPS (Creative Problem Solving)
- TTW (Thing Talk Write)
- TS-TS (Two Stay-Two Stray)
- CORE (Connection, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending)
- SQ3R (Survey, Question, Recite, Review)
- SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review)
- MID (Meaningful Instructional Design)
- CRI (Certainly of Response Index)
- DLPS (Double Loop Problem Solving)
- DMR (Diskursus Multy Reprecentacy)
- CIRC (Cooperative, Integrated, Reading and Compositon)
- IOC (Inside Outside Circle)
- Tari Bambu
- Artikulasi
- Debate
- Role Playing
- Talking Stick
- Snowball Throwing
- Student Fasilitator ang Explaining
- Course Review Horay
- Demonstration
- Explicit Instruction
- Scramble
- Pair Checks
- Make-A-Match
- Mind Mapping
- Examples non Examples
- Picture and Picture
- Cooperative Script
- LAPS-Heuristik
- Improve
- Generatif
- Circuit Learning
- Complete Sentence
- Concept Sentence
- Time Token
- Take and Give
- Superitem
- Hibrid
- Treffinger
- Kumon
- Quantum
Sumber: http://weblogask.blogspot.com/2012/02/model-model-pembelajaran.html
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